8 January 2021
Friends of Mufulira (FOM), MMTAs Charity delivers anaesthetic machine to RRGH
This is Dr James Matabile, Superintendent at Ronald Ross General Hospital on Dec 28th 2020, lecturing trainee anaesthetists about the new UAM machine.
Unable to send medical electives to Mufulira this year, MMTAs charity, FOM, opted to fast forward purchase of a much needed piece of equipment. Both past electives and Dr Matabile had identified an anaesthetic machine as RRGHs most pressing need with greatest benefit.
FOM Trustee, Dr Robin Gleek, identified an anaesthetic machine manufactured/invented in the UK by OES-Medical, Witney, Oxon, as the optimum machine. Its special feature is that nitrogen is removed from normal atmosphere to provide oxygen for operations, removing dependency on deliveries of pure oxygen. Further, the machine comes with a seven and half hour battery pack so that operations will not be interrupted during an electricity outtage.
For more information see www.oes-medical.com
Our hopes are that electives from Liverpool University will re-start in 2022. I quote from a recent email received from Dr Beth Wardle (2018). 'I'm currently working in A+E in Sheffield and missing Mufulira more and more by the day. It has really set me up well for A+E as nothing can scare me anymore and I feel very fortunate.'
We all wish our colleagues in Mufulira the best in their struggles against the virus and other disease. LW is of course a contributor to FOM financially and negotiated purchase and delivery of the machine.